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REVIEW: JOBS (2013) ... The Genius That is Steve Jobs!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Ashton Kutcher bravely takes on the role as Apple founder, Steve Jobs. The movie focuses on Steve Jobs' personal achievements and begins with a very tumultuous young man at college finding himself. We then see how he famously starts the Apple company. He is portrayed as a man who is confused , determined at times and you almost get the feeling that he never really had control over his life.
I've never read the biography of Steve Jobs and I have no doubt that Ashton Kutcher tries his best to handle this Goliath role so I can't comment on the real story. The movie is interesting though it only spans to when after losing Apple, he takes control as CEO once more a few years later.
I would have like to have seen more on his creation of his bigger Apple projects, iPad, iPhone or even iPod and his life till his death but sadly this is not covered in the movie. I also felt as though we don't really relate to the character but rather act as detached observers just watching without really connecting. I also looked for that spark of motivation which Steve Jobs as a real man was able to do but none of that was conveyed here..
Worth watching if you're just a casual observer, but not if you're looking for the genius or the magic that was Steve Jobs.
The story of Steve Jobs' ascension from college dropout into one of the most revered creative entrepreneurs of the 20th century.
Ashton Kutcher - STEVE JOBS 
James Woods - JACK DUDMAN
Dermot Mulroney - MIKE MARKKULA
Matthew Modine - John Sculley
J.K. Simmons - ARTHUR ROCK
Kevin Dunn - GIL ARMELIO
Joshua Michael Stern

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