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REVIEW: PACIFIC RIM (2013) ... Monsters and Giant Robots Kicking Ass!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Pacific Rim is one of those movies with a gigantic budget, high octane action and more CGI than you've ever seen in your entire life! That style of testosterone filled movies always went to Michael Bay and his Transformers movie but now Guillermo Del Toro has stepped up to the plate.
This is a popcorn movie and doesn't try to be anything else which is always cool in my books. You know going in that you're going to see monsters and robots fighting each other, The story is really secondary in these type of movies. Pacific Rim is a totally enjoyable movie. Guillermo Del Toro goes out of his way here to give the audience a two hour thrill ride.
The cast consists of the always impressive Idris Elba, eye-candy in the form of Rinko Kikuchi and also look out for Del Toro favourite, Ron Perlman, as a scummy alien parts dealer, a role he plays well. Charlie Day provides the comedy in the role of a scientist obsessed with the giant beasts.
If you love your science fiction movies and huge blockbusters then you're really going to enjoy this. It is what it is.
When an alien attack threatens the Earth's existence, giant robots piloted by humans are deployed to fight off the menace.

Idris Elba....................................Stacker Pentecost
Ron Perlman...............................Hannibal Clau
Charlie Day................................Dr Newton Geiszler
Charlie Hunman.........................Raleigh Becket

Guillermo del Toro

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