The guys behind the movie originally wanted to make a sequel to the sad Seed of Chucky, but then opted to ( as is the norm these days ) remake the original movie. Don Mancini sits once again at the helm of this and he ultimately will remake his own original movie. Very interesting indeed, don't think we could do with a sequel to that last bunch of crap we were given in terms of Child's Play movies!

2. College Fright Night
I remember the original Fright Night movie released around 1985. Being very young I was really freaked out by it, in fact I have the movie in my personal DVD collection! The special effects were well done considering the it was the 80's and no CGI or green screen effects were in use yet.
The new one is rumored to star Jason Mewes ( Clerks II, Zack and Miri Make a Porno ) and is, as the title suggests, taking place with a College as the setting. Werewolves, vampires and all sorts of monsters start wreaking havoc at the college. Could be worth a look....
3. Friday the 13th Part II
Will Jason Voorhees ever be put to rest or do we have to go through sequel after sequel each year until it becomes ridiculous again? Anyway, after what must be the success of the remake, you guessed it, Jason Voorhees will be terrorising some more young victims at Camp Crystal Lake.
You would think after all these years that young people would avoid a place where others have disappeared or been murdered and the killer is never caught..... or maybe that's just me! Honestly though, I'm looking forward to this one and as hippocritical ( is that a word? ) as this sounds, I actually enjoyed the latest remake.
4. High School Musical 4: East Meets West
Young people singing and dancing! Yay! Just kidding, however, the series is definitely continuing with a fourth installment. The details of who's starring in the movie have not been released yet but production has already begun on the movie.
Anybody thinks the cast will be replaced because I remember something about a graduation in the last movie?
5. Hoodwinked Too: Hood vs Evil!
Hehehe! The original was really funny so one can only imagine, if done right, how much funnier this one could be.
The idea of showing the events of Little Red Riding Hood from the perspective of everyone involved was ingenius!
This one has the voice talents of Hayden Panettiere ( Heroes, Ice Princess ), Bill Hader ( Year One, Forgetting Sarah Marshall ) and like most animated features of the 21st Century, Patrick Warburton.
Look out for the release on 15th January 2010.
6. Jonah Hex
Another comic book growing up to be a movie. The movie stars Josh Brolin and Megan Fox. If my comic book knowledge is just a little correct, Hex is a scarred anti - hero of sorts, but thats about all I can tell you.
Since the movie is being released after The Dark Night and Watchmen, you can be assured that the movie tone will be dark. Just have a look at the poster, no sunshine or daisies right?
Release date for Jonah Hex is 18 June 2010.
7. Iron Man 2:
The original cast is back minus Terrence Howard who has been replaced by Don Cheadle. I must add that I really didn't mind him in the first instalment as his acting was way overshadowed by Robert Downey Jr and Jeff Bridges anyway.
This movie also adds Mickey Rourke ( The Wrestler ) and Scarlett Johansson, in tight black leather...... as the main baddies to antogonise our hero. Also Samuel L. Jackson is listed to play Nick Fury, presumably to complete the tiny little role assigned to him in Iron Man. Jon Favreau also returns as director for this one. I wonder if they will make a trilogy out of this one? Only time will tell.
Release Date: 7 May 2010
And there you go, look out for the next installment of UPCOMING MOVIES: 2010 PART TWO as I take you through more of the soon to be released movies of 2010.
Oh and because I can, I thought I'd throw in 2010 Movie BabeCheck out Hayden Panettiere...... not just a little Cheerleader huh?

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