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Superheroes are other Superheroes?! Huh?! Johnny Storm versus Capt America!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Did it ever bother you that there are actors playing superheroes within the same comic universe e.g. Marvel and others who play characters across comic universes? It's true and it has been going on more and more lately. I have chosen a few here just to give you an idea of how prevalent they are becoming. Have a gander below and let's see what you think..............

SET 1:
Johnny Storm VS Captain America
Chris Evans

Chris Evans became a Superheo when he donned the outfit of the Human Torch in 2005s Fantastic Four and though fans and critics alike knocked the movie, it did spawn a sequel and I feel he captured the Johnny Storm's playful personality extremely well.

In 2011 Chris Evans went on to take the role of Captain America. It was a far more serious role and critics, fans and audiences were impressed with his performance. He then went on to star in The Avengers, which we all know as the box office record breaking movie of 2012, once again reprising his character as Captain America.

SET 2:
Heimdall VS Moreau
Idris Elba 
Idris Elba stars as both the powerful gatekeeper, Heimdell in Thor and in 2012 he starred in Ghost Rider: Spirit of vengeance as Moreau. His role in Thor was of great significance and ultimately the movie went on to box office success, thanks in part to Kenneth Branaugh's Shakepearean influences as a director.
In the 2nd Ghost Rider movie, directed by Neveldine and Taylor, of the Crank movies fame, tried and failed with this. Not even the strong acting talent of Idris Elba could save the wreck that was Ghost Rider 2. Sadly, the movie bombed even with a script and story by David S. Goyer ( The Dark Knight, Blade ). There's so much that could've been done with the characters that it's a shame that the movie wasn't a success.
Cyclops VS Richard White
James Marden
James Marden literally blew onto the screen as Scott Summers / Cyclops in the original X-Men movies. He played the leader of the X-Men and Logan / Wolverine's protaginist for the affection's of Jean Grey. Marsden completed the trilogy just by the skin of his teeth as he and director, Bryan Singer left X3 to complete the Superman Returns movie in 2005.
In Superman Returns, Marsden plays the character of Richard White, a relation of Perry White, the editor of the newspaper where Clark Kent and Lois Lane work. He ultimately has a serious relationship with Lois Lane and together they raise Lane's son. The movie was not as successful as Singer's other movies and one major complaint was that the movie was too closely linked to Richard Donner's original Superman series.
In conclusion, it seems we gotta get used to actors taking on roles of different heroes and across different comic universes. One which I havent mention is Ryan Reynold's who first starred in Marvel's X-Men Origins ( 2009 ) as Deadpool and as The Green Lantern in the movie of the same name.
There seems to be a hit and miss with movies containing actors playing various heroes. Good or bad, this is a trend we're going to have to endure in order to see our favourite movies. 

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