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US WEEKEND BOX OFFICE - MAY 3 - 5..........A Billionaire in a Iron suit rules number 1 spot!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Iron Man 3 has hit the box office hard this weekend raking in a massive weekend gross of over $175 million! Proving that superheroes are still winning the hearts of audiences all over America. The Summer movies are gonna be the battle of the movie gods as heroes are destined to go head to head soon ala Man of Steel vs Iron Man 3. Let's see how this goes...............

Michael Bay's Pain and Gain holding firmly onto its number 2 spot with all expectations of Iron Man 3 taking the number 1 spot at the box office. Tom Cruise's Oblivion still pulling audiences with the sci-fi adventure as well as Sam Raimi's Oz also proving to be a big drawcard. Cant wait to see next week's top 10 and the hits keep on coming.

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