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SUPERMAN UNBOUND (2013) ......Meet Braniac, Destroyer of Krypton!

Friday, June 28, 2013

The Man Of Steel movie has just been released globally and Krypton's favourite son has once again been thrust back into the limelight. It cannot be argued that the Superman character doesn't have the kind of appeal that has us drawn to it. The "S" symbol worn on his costume is one of the most recognized on the entire planet. That said, let us have a look at DC's new animated feature, Superman Unbound.

As per any Superman outing this starts with the capturing and kidnapping of Lois Lane by bad guys, who assume Superman is tending to things elsewhere. As they escape via helicopters, in swoops Suprgirl A.K.A. Cara who thwarts their plans and is then assisted by Superman, who arrives midway through the action.
An alien object approaches Earth and Superman investigates, stopping it as it's about to crash. The object turns out to be a robot of sorts and together with Cara, who recognises the robot, Superman tries to put a stop to the creature known as Braniac.

The story ultimately deals with the concepts of home, family, egos and the essence of life. The Barniac portrayed here is so far different from the usual character we've come to know, with this one being a world killing meglomaniac of epic proportions. The character himself having said to have been born biologically and having had cybernetic enhancements added to recreate himself as a better and stronger being. He is powerful and extremely intelligent thus making him a worthwhile adversary to Superman.

I enjoyed this movie but found it to be just a tad slow in parts. Braniac impresses and so does Cara as the young Kryptonian filled with angst and emotion after watching her home planet die, with a surprise proposal by Clark. Let me say this however, Superman fans will enjoy this as it adds to their hero's legend...........
Stana Katic - LOIS LANE
John Noble - BRANIAC
Ceidrich Bader - STEVE LOMBARD



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