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REVIEW: FRIGHT NIGHT 2 - NEW BLOOD (2013) ... Same Name, Totally Different Blood-Filled Story!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

For fans of the original 80's movies, this isn't a remake of any of those. For fans of the 2011 remake, this isn't really a sequel to that either. The characters have the same names but that's where the parallels end. The movie does not continue from the last Fright Night movie we saw but rather creates in itself a brand new story which could make it a remake of a remake of an original story.
That said, take away the branding, name etc and you may have an interesting vampire story. I think they shouldn't have relied on the 'Fright Night' brand at all and rather have made this a stand alone movie. So if this were a stand alone movie then I must say it's enjoyable for what it's worth.
Charlie Brewster, his best friend Evil, his girlfriend Amy and the TV star, Peter Vincent come together to battle vampires in Eastern Europe, coincidentally the home of the original Bram Stoker legend while on a college study tour. Look forward to vampire legend, tons of blood and some funny comedy mixed into the blend.
I must say that I was a little disappointed, kind of like that same feeling I had when I saw The Lost Boys sequel after years of waiting. So if you have no attachment to the original characters, then you may enjoy this straight to DVD vampire movie.
When high school student Charlie attends a study abroad program with his horror obsessed friend “Evil” Ed and ex-girlfriend AMY in Romania, he soon discovers their young attractive professor Gerri (Jaime Murray) is a real life vampire. Too bad no one believes him. In fact, Evil Ed finds it amusing and it only feeds his vampire obsession. When Gerri turns Ed, Charlie seeks out Peter Vincent, the infamous vampire hunter (well, he plays one on TV) who is in Romania filming his show “Fright Night,” to teach him how to take down Gerri before she gets to Amy, who’s blood will cure Gerri of spending eternity as a vampire.
Jaime Murray - GERRI
Sacha Parkinson - AMY
Chris Waller - 'EVIL' ED BATES
Eduardo Rodriguez

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