The Spider-Man movies started with the original trilogy by Tobey Maguire and Sam Raimi back in 2002 and impressed the world with it's take on the life of Peter Parker / Spider-Man. In 2012, Marc Webb and Andrew Garfield changed the playing field with a brand new take on the Spider-Man story. Here's a collection of 300mb downloads with all the Spider-Man movies. Hit the download button and all is yours ...

Years later, a teenaged Peter (Garfield) attends Midtown Science High School, where he is bullied by Flash Thompson (Zylka) and has caught the eye of the beautiful Gwen Stacy (Stone). At home, Peter finds his father's papers and learns he worked with fellow scientist Dr. Curt Connors (Ifans) at Oscorp. Sneaking into Oscorp, Peter enters a lab where a "biocable" is under development from genetically modified spiders, one of which bites him. On the subway ride home, he discovers that he has developed spider-like abilities.
After studying Richard's papers, Peter visits the one-armed Connors, reveals he is Richard Parker's son and gives Connors his father's "decay rate algorithm", the missing piece in Connors' experiments on regenerating limbs. Connors is being pressed by his superior, Dr. Ratha (Khan), to devise a cure for the dying (but unseen) head of Oscorp, Norman Osborn. In school, Peter gets into trouble after a basketball challenge with Flash in which Peter accidentally shatters the backboard glass. His uncle changes work shifts to meet with the principal and asks Peter to replace him walking home with Aunt May that night. Peter gets distracted and helps Connors regenerate the limb of a laboratory mouse. Peter's failure causes an argument with his uncle and he leaves. At a nearby deli, a cashier refuses to let Peter buy a chocolate milk since Peter is two cents short; when a thief suddenly raids the store, Peter indifferently observes. While searching for Peter, Uncle Ben attempts to stop the thief and is killed. The thief escapes as Peter finds Ben on the sidewalk.
Afterward, Peter uses his new abilities to hunt criminals matching the killer's description. After a fall lands him inside an abandoned gym, a luchador-wrestling poster inspires him to create a mask to hide his identity. He adds a spandex suit and builds mechanical devices to attach to his wrists to shoot a biocable "web". Peter accepts a dinner invitation from Gwen, where he meets and has a tense conversation with her father, police captain George Stacy (Leary), over Spider-Man's motives. After dinner, Peter reveals his identity to Gwen and they kiss.
After seeing success with the mouse using lizard DNA, Ratha demands Connors begin human trials immediately if Osborn is to survive. Connors refuses to rush the drug-testing procedure and put innocent people at risk. Ratha fires Connors and decides to test Connors' serum at a VA hospital under the guise of a flu shot. In an act of desperation, Connors tries the formula on himself. After passing out, he awakens to find his missing arm has regenerated. Discovering that Ratha is on his way to the VA hospital, Connors, whose skin is turning green and scaly, goes to intercept him. By the time he gets to the Williamsburg Bridge Connors has become a violent hybrid of lizard and man, tossing cars, including Ratha's, over the side of the bridge. Peter, now calling himself Spider-Man, snatches each falling car with his web-lines.
Spider-Man suspects Connors is Lizard and unsuccessfully confronts the creature in the sewers. Lizard learns Spider-Man's real identity via the name on an abandoned camera and follows Peter to school where they fight. In response, the police start a manhunt for both Spider-Man and Lizard. The police corner Spider-Man and Captain Stacy discovers that he is really Peter. Lizard plans to make all humans lizard-like by releasing a chemical cloud from Oscorp's tower, to eliminate the weaknesses he believes plague humanity. Spider-Man eventually disperses an antidote cloud instead, restoring Connors and earlier victims to normal, but not before Lizard mortally wounds Captain Stacy. Before his death, Captain Stacy makes Peter vow to keep Gwen safe by leaving her out of it. Peter initially does so, but later at school suggests to Gwen he may see her again.
In a closing-credits scene, Connors, in a prison cell, speaks with a man in the shadows who asks if Peter knows the truth about his father. Connors replies, "No", and demands Peter be left alone before the man disappears.

On a school trip, during which Peter and his classmates are given a science demonstration on spiders, Peter is bitten by a genetically altered spider. Soon after, he discovers that he has unusual powers: he is endowed with the strength and agility of a spider along with a keen, ESP-like "spider sense."
After discovering these powers, Peter appears in a televised wrestling match and, armed with his new spider strength, wins the match in record time. But the wrestling match promoter refuses to award Peter the $3,000 prize money, alleging that Peter won too quickly. Soon afterwards, Peter has the opportunity to catch a burglar fleeing from the promoter's office, but because he wants revenge, he refuses to stop him. Moments later, the same burglar kills his beloved Uncle Ben.As Spider-Man, Peter apprehends the burglar but is plagued with guilt for not being a hero sooner. During his time of turmoil, Peter remembers something Uncle Ben once told him: "With great power, there must also come great responsibility." Peter takes this to heart and decides to us his extraordinary powers to fight crime.
Meanwhile, megalomaniacal businessman Norman Osborn (Academy Award nominee Willem Dafoe), Harry's father, is undergoing some changes of his own. An experimental formula has blown up in his face, increasing his intelligence and strength but also driving his insane. He is now the Green Goblin, Spider-Man's arch-enemy, who will put young Peter Parker's vow to fight crime and help innocent people to the ultimate test.

Harry, now head of Oscorp's research division, sponsors the brilliant nuclear scientist Otto Octavius who dreams of perfecting sustained fusion power and wears a harness of powerful robotic tentacle arms with artificial intelligence for an experiment.
Though it seems to work at first, a power spike causes it to quickly destabilize. Despite this, Octavius stubbornly refuses to shut the experiment down, which leads to disastrous consequences: his wife is killed, the neural inhibitor chip which keeps the arms from influencing his mind is destroyed and the arms are fused to his spine. Spider-Man manages to arrive and shut the experiment down before it can do any further damage.
Unconscious, Octavius is sent to a hospital, and prepared to have the arms and harness surgically removed. The arms, having developed sentience from the inhibitor chip's destruction, spring to life, and savagely attack the medical crew, brutally killing them. Upon regaining consciousness and seeing the carnage the arms caused, Octavius escapes the hospital, and hides out at the harbor, pondering his fate. The arms convince him to retry his experiment. To fund it, Octavius – now called Doctor Octopus or "Doc Ock" by the Daily Bugle – robs a bank.
After Peter misses Mary Jane's debut play, she in retaliation, becomes engaged to renowned astronaut John Jameson, the son of Bugle chief J. Jonah Jameson. Peter loses his powers due to his emotional breakdown, abandons his alter ego altogether and returns to his normal life while trying to reconcile with Mary Jane.
A garbageman brings Spider-Man's costume to J. Jonah, who takes credit for Spider-Man's disappearance. Peter tells his aunt May that his uncle Ben's earlier death was his fault. May forgives him, but when his nine-year-old neighbor learns of Spider-Man's disappearance and the rising crime rate in New York City becomes a major concern, Peter decides to become Spider-Man again.
Ock needs tritium to fuel his reactor and goes to Harry to demand it. Harry initially refuses because Ock's experiment threatens to level the city, but he eventually agrees in exchange for Spider-Man, and tells the scientist that Peter, who is supposedly good friends with Spider-Man, is the key to finding him. However, he tells Ock not to harm Peter. Ock finds Peter, tells him to find Spider-Man, and abducts Mary Jane. Peter realizes that his powers are restored and dons his costume again after stealing it from the Bugle.
Spider-Man meets and battles Ock, where they fall onto a rapid transit R train. Ock maxes out the train's throttle, disables the controls, and jumps off. Spider-Man stops the train before the track ends. When he faints from exhaustion, the passengers carry him into one of the cars. He comes to and realizes his mask is off, but the passengers are so grateful they vow not to reveal his identity. Ock returns, demanding Spider-Man, and easily subdues the passengers. After knocking out Spider-Man, Ock delivers him to Harry.
After giving the tritium, Harry prepares to kill Spider-Man, only to be shocked to see that it is really Peter who convinces him greater things are at stake and Harry reveals Ock's location. Spider-Man arrives at Ock's waterfront laboratory and tries to rescue Mary Jane discreetly. One of Ock's tentacles senses him, and they fight. Spider-Man ultimately subdues Ock, reveals his identity and convinces Ock to let go of his dream for the greater good. Ock finally commands the tentacles to obey and drowns himself along with the fusion reactor into the Hudson River. Mary Jane discovers Spider-Man's true identity and feelings, as well as why they cannot be together. Spider-Man returns Mary Jane to John and leaves.
Meanwhile, Harry is visited by his father's ghost in a mirror, pleading for him to avenge his death. Refusing to hurt Peter, Harry shatters the mirror, revealing a secret room containing the Green Goblin's equipment. On her wedding day, Mary Jane decides to admit her true feelings for him. After they kiss, they hear a police chase, and she encourages Peter to respond as Spider-Man.

Mary Jane, whose career is floundering, is humiliated by Peter's changed personality and she finds solace with Harry. Urged on by a hallucination of his father, Harry regains his memory and blackmails Mary Jane to break up with Peter, threatening Peter's life. After Mary Jane tells Peter she is in love with another man (under Harry's direction), Harry meets with Peter and claims to be "the other guy". Later, Peter, wearing the black suit, confronts Harry and battles him. Harry throws a pumpkin bomb at Peter, who deflects it back, disfiguring Harry's face.
Under the symbiote's influence, Peter exposes Eddie Brock, a rival photographer at the Daily Bugle, by submitting doctored photographs showing Spider-Man as a criminal. Furious at having to print a retraction, J. Jonah Jameson dismisses Eddie. Meanwhile, the Sandman recovers from his injuries.
To make Mary Jane jealous, Peter brings Gwen Stacy, a woman Brock believes is his girlfriend, to the nightclub where Mary Jane works; Brock secretly sees them and assumes they are dating. Gwen catches on and storms out. Peter brawls with the bouncers and, after mistakenly attacking Mary Jane, realizes the symbiote is changing him. He retreats to a church bell tower. While trying to remove the symbiote costume, he hits the church's bell, weakening the alien and making it easier to remove. Peter tears the symbiote off and it falls to the lower tower, landing on Brock, who is praying for Peter's death. The symbiote transforms Brock into Venom and he accepts his new form. Venom finds the Sandman and offers to join forces in which he agrees.
Mary Jane hails a taxicab but Brock hijacks it and hangs it and a dump truck from a web hundreds of feet above a sand-filled construction site. Peter seeks Harry's help but is rejected. A crowd of people watch as Peter battles Brock. Harry learns the truth about his father's death from his butler and goes to help Peter. Peter is eventually overwhelmed by the villains and is on the brink of being killed when Harry appears. Harry temporarily subdues a gigantic incarnation of the Sandman, breaking him apart. Brock webs Harry's glider, causing it to bump into some pipes, making sonic vibrations that weaken the symbiote. Peter recalls the church bells weakening it previously. Brock tries impaling Peter with Harry's glider, but Harry jumps in the way. Peter forms a ring of pipes around Venom, creating a wall of sonic vibrations. The alien releases Brock, and Peter pulls Brock away from the creature, which can now live on its own. Peter throws a pumpkin bomb from Harry's glider at the symbiote, but Brock moves to re-bond with it and both are killed by the blast.
Marko reveals that he never intended to kill Ben, but only wanted his car and accidentally shot him when Dennis grabbed his arm, and says that Ben's death has haunted him since. Peter forgives Marko, who dissolves into sand and floats away. Peter and Harry forgive each other before Harry dies with Mary Jane and Peter at his side. Days later, Peter visits the jazz club where Mary Jane is singing, and they begin mending their relationship.

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