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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The following list of 300mb movies comes courtesy of
BLADE (1998)
The film opens in prologue: a pregnant woman being rushed into a hospital in labor and bleeding, reaching out for something or someone unseen. The film then flashes forward, a wild night with a seductive woman leads a young man to a rave club. He casually bumps into the club owner, who would later be revealed as Deacon Frost, a young upstart in the vampire community. The music peaks when blood is sprayed from the sprinklers above (a blood rain) and the young man flees as the vampires reveal themselves and begin to feed on the human members in the club. In the middle of the carnage, the armor clad vampire-hunter arrives. The crowd breaks into a frenzy as Blade or the "Daywalker" (as the vampires label him) displays extraordinary skills and strength against a slew of armed guards, eventually saving the young man's life. Blade slaughters a number of vampires in the club, leaving Quinn alive and horribly burned as the police arrive on the scene.
Blade tracks Quinn down to a hospital, but the vampire is able to bite a resident hematologist, Dr. Karen Jenson, before escaping once again. Blade brings Karen back to his lair and introduces her to Abraham Whistler, his mentor and weaponsmith. Karen resolves to study vampirism and find an antidote before she becomes a vampire herself. In working to find a stable, viable cure she soon discovers that the anticoagulant EDTA reacts explosively with the vampire infection. Meanwhile, Frost clashes with his vampire elders. He believes that vampires should rise from the shadows and enslave humanity. The elders believe in the subversive rule of (both human and vampire) society through their influence with police, politics, finance and real estate. Moreover, because he was not born a vampire as they were, they both shame him and shun him for his radical views and reckless activities. Frost studies ancient vampire lore and comes to believe that he can awaken La Magra, a bloodgod, to gain godlike absolute power. Together with his minions, he kidnaps and kills the chief vampire of the region and imprisons the other elders.
Blade combats Frost's various minions in an effort to uncover his ultimate plan. After another encounter with Quinn and Frost's lover Mercury, Whistler would explain to a suspicious Karen that Blade's mother Vanessa was attacked while pregnant and that Blade is a half-vampire hybrid with all their superhuman strengths but none of their weaknesses except the bloodthirst. After witnessing Whistler give Blade a serum to counter the thirst, Karen successfully develops an antidote to cure herself of vampirism. While Blade is out on an errand, Frost and his crew manage to invade Blade's lair, kidnap Karen and mortally wound Whistler. Blade gives the infected Whistler a gun to commit suicide, then arms himself with a number of weapons and a large supply of EDTA. He storms Frost's penthouse, overrunning the bodyguards, and soon discovers Vanessa - his own mother, whom he believed long dead, in Frost's bed. She reveals that Frost was the vampire that bit her while Blade was still in her womb and caused him to become the Daywalker. More guards arrive and attack Blade as Frost intimates a long since sexual relationship with Vanessa and proclaims himself as creator of their "family". Thunderstruck, Blade is defeated and taken (with Karen) to the Temple of Eternal Night for Frost's blood ritual sacrifice.
The temple antechamber drains Blade's blood and filters it through the ancient channels of the temple. Karen manages to escape the pit Frost dropped her in and feed Blade her blood, doubling his strength and giving him an animalistic power to fight the vampires. Meanwhile lightning strikes the temple and explodes into the sanctuary as Frost sacrifices the elder vampires in a mystic ritual and painfully gains the power of La Magra. However the unintended result was not the awakening of the bloodgod but the culmination of the dead elders souls that fought absorption as the energies consume Frost's body. Vanessa attacks Blade forcing him to kill her. In the melee, Karen secures a shotgun from a guard, shoots him dead and kills Mercury with concentrated garlic spray. Blade then furiously cuts through Quinn and the rest of Frost's minions before engaging Frost in rapidfire swordplay. Frost's new powers make him immune to Blade's conventional weapons, so Blade injects him, multiple times with EDTA, causing Frost to explode. As the pair leave the temple, Karen offers to cure Blade but he chooses to forgo the cure in order to continue hunting vampires and asks her to develop a better serum. An epilogue finds Blade killing a vampire attacking his date in Russia, intimating that Blade's new campaign has spread into Europe.
 BLADE II (2002)
Over the two years since the death of Deacon Frost, Blade (Wesley Snipes) has been trying to find his mentor Whistler (Kris Kristofferson), who survived his suicide attempt. He has been sweeping across Russia and eastern Europe, enlisting the aid of a young man, Scud (Norman Reedus), to design him a new line of gadgetry and weaponry. Blade fights his way through a large gang of vampires, sparing one, Rush (Santiago Segura), when he promises to reveal Whistler's location. Blade tells Rush he will be back for him. Blade finds Whistler locked in a tank by a gang of vampires who were keeping him alive for purposes of torture. Blade rescues Whistler and brings him to Prague.
Meanwhile, a crisis has arisen in the vampire community. A more developed strain of vampirism (dubbed the "Reaper virus") is sweeping through their ranks, giving its carriers new characteristics. The original carrier of the strain is Jared Nomak (Luke Goss), who attacked the blood bank at the beginning of the film. Stronger than common vampires, the Reapers have three-way jaws, leech-like suckers and hearts encased in a thick layer of bone, making them invulnerable to any weapon barring sunlight. They also have a "ravenous" hunger, requiring more feeding than vampires, and even their dead victims become Reapers. In order to combat the virus, the vampire overlord Eli Damaskinos (Thomas Kretschmann) sends his minions, Asad (Danny John-Jules) and Damaskinos' daughter Nyssa (Leonor Varela) to find and strike an uneasy truce with Blade. Upon meeting Eli Damaskinos and his familiar Karl Kounen (Karel Roden), Blade learns of the vampire community's plight. They concede to him that the Reapers are the greater evil and once they finish the vampire population, they will descend on humankind.
To this end, Blade teams up with the Bloodpack, a group of vampire warriors and assassins who were originally assembled to kill him. The group consists of Rheinhardt (Ron Perlman), Chupa (Matt Schulze), Snowman (Donnie Yen), Verlaine (Marit Velle Kile), Lighthammer (Daz Crawford) and Priest (Tony Curran). Blade plants an explosive on the back of Rheinhardt's head to keep him under control.
The group starts at a vampire nightclub, while Whistler acts as a sniper to guard Scud in the teams' transport. The mission goes wrong when the group finds the Reapers are immune to silver, are physically stronger than normal vampires, and resistant to normally crippling injuries even for vampires. Priest is fed on by one of the Reapers, and Lighthammer is bitten, but conceals it, while Blade fights Nomak. Nomak is immune even to Blade's anti-coagulant spikes, and Nomak leaves only because of the sunlight.
While Blade and the Blood Pack are fighting in the club, Scud is attacked by several Reapers, while Whistler disappears. Scud is able to drive off the attacking Reapers using UV lights on the transport. Whistler returns after the battle to show them a dying Reaper at a sewer entrance, showing the location of the Reaper Nest. Nyssa autopsies the dying Reaper while Scud and Whistler make UltraViolet weapons for the team.
Upon entering the Reaper nest, Lighthammer succumbs to the bite he received at the club and kills Snowman. He chases down Verlaine who kills them both when she opens a sewer hatch to the sunlight. Chupa and Rheinhardt decide to kill Whistler for Priest's death, but Chupa is killed when Whistler sprays him with a Reaper pheromone. Asad and Nyssa walk into a nest and Asad is pulled underwater and killed. Nyssa is saved by Blade, who uses a cluster-UV device to destroy all the Reapers except Nomak, while Nyssa and Rheinhardt escape the blast.
After the battle Blade is apprehended by Damaskinos' forces, along with Whistler and Scud. It is revealed that, in his efforts to create a new race of vampires immune to sunlight and silver, Damaskinos turned his own son, Nomak into the first reaper. Scud is also revealed to be one of Damaskinos' "familiars". Blade however, has been aware of Scud's status since the beginning and kills him with Rheinhardt's bomb after Scud reclaims it, assuming it was a dud. With the Reapers gone, Damaskinos plans to dissect Blade to create more daywalkers. However, Whistler escapes and rescues Blade. Blade fights his way through Damaskinos' henchmen, which ends with Rheinhardt being killed.
Meanwhile, Nomak has entered Damaskinos' stronghold seeking revenge on his father. Nyssa, having been disillusioned with her father's extreme methods, betrays Damaskinos by sealing off his escape route to the heliport. Damaskinos is killed by Nomak after trying to negotiate with him. In order to "complete the circle", Nomak bites Nyssa, drinking her blood. When Nomak attempts to leave, he is then confronted by Blade. After a brutal fight, Blade finds the weak spot in Nomak's physical defenses and jams his sword beneath his arm, bypassing the bone shield around his heart. Nomak then willingly pushes it through, killing himself. With Nomak dead, Blade carries Nyssa outside for the sunrise to honor her last wish to see the sunlight, and die as a vampire.
With the crisis over, Blade tracks down Rush to a strip club in London, and stabs him in the head through the glass.
The film starts with a group of vampires, looking for the hidden resting place of "Drake", a.k.a. Dracula (Dominic Purcell), the genetic "father" of their species. They subsequently find and wake him in a Syrian ziggurat tomb, although not before, in a moment of blood lust, he kills one of their own number.
Through the misinformation of public media and ignorant of the existence of real vampires, society considers Blade (Wesley Snipes) to be a serial killer. The vampires capitalize on this misconception and succeed in framing Blade for the killing of a familiar posing as a vampire. During the ensuing manhunt, the FBI locate and attack Blade's latest hideout. During the siege, Abraham Whistler (Kris Kristofferson) is mortally wounded and perishes after setting the hideout's self-destruct defenses. With his mentor gone and surrounded by human authorities, Blade allows himself to be captured and arrested.
After both medical and interrogative sessions prove futile, the police prepare to hand Blade over to a group of medics, who are, unknown to them, vampires. But he is rescued by Hannibal King (Ryan Reynolds) and Abigail Whistler, Abraham's only surviving daughter (Jessica Biel), whose main weapon is a customized compound bow. The two belong to a group of vampire hunters called the Nightstalkers, formed by Abraham to assist Blade. King and Abigail reveal that the vampire Danica Talos (Parker Posey), who turned King into a vampire in the past (though he was since cured), has located Drake, the first vampire, who has been alive since Sumerian times. Because he is the first of their kind, Drake is unique as he is invulnerable to sunlight. Talos hopes he is powerful enough to kill Blade, and make the rest of the vampires into daywalkers as well.
The Nightstalkers believe the vampires are too numerous to kill individually, so Sommerfield (Natasha Lyonne), their resident chemical specialist, has created an experimental bioweapon dubbed Daystar, an airborne virus capable of killing every single vampire in the world on a molecular level.
In their first confrontation, Drake tests Blade by drawing him away from King and Abigail, incapacitating King in the chaos. Although physically superior, Drake shows an affinity with Blade, as they are both unique to their race and "honorable warriors" by choice. Ironically, while Drake converses with Blade, he uses a baby that he has taken hostage as leverage. In several random scenes, Drake is revealed to consider all humans unworthy of his notice and even holds his own followers in contempt for their place in the modern world.
Tracking the local Police Chief, another "familiar", to a warehouse meeting with a vampire, Blade and Abigail learn of the vampires' planned "final solution": blood farms. These depots house hundreds of homeless people in chemically-induced comas, (brain dead), allowing the vampires to extract blood indefinitely without simply killing them. The chief frankly states the existence of blood farms in every major cities across the globe. Blade kills him and orders the assisstant to shut down the victims' life support in an act of putting them out of their misery.
The two return to find the Nightstalkers have been all but wiped out. King and Sommerfield's young daughter Zoe (Haili Page) are both spared and taken by Drake to lure Blade into combat. A recording left by Sommerfield before she died reveals that she has perfected a small quantity of the Daystar virus, but there are two catches: the first is that they need Drake's blood - as he is the vampire source, his DNA is still pure, which, infused with Daystar, will make it work to its maximum efficiency. The second: the virus could possibly kill Blade, since he is half-vampire. Blade and Abigail take the virus and go to the Talos building to save their friends.
Meanwhile, King is chained and tortured by Jarko Grimwood (Triple H) and Asher Talos (Callum Keith Rennie) for information about Daystar. When this fails, Talos threatens that she will again bite King and leave him, turning, to feed on Zoe.
Blade and Abigail eventually crash the scene and the fighting ensues with the Talos' underlings and the building security force. After freeing both King and Zoe, Abigail kills Asher and King kills Grimwood while Blade engages Drake in a sword battle. In the end, Blade impales Drake with Abigails Daystar arrow, which releases the virus into the air, killing all the nearby vampires, including Talos. As Drake dies, he praises Blade for fighting with honor and tells him that through Blade, the vampire race will survive. Dying, he offers Blade a "parting gift"; he also warns him that, "sooner or later, the Thirst always wins."
From here there are multiple endings:
  • Theatrical ending: As Blade fought honorably, Drake gives him a "parting gift" by transforming his body into a replica of Blade's just before he dies. The FBI captures the body of who they think is Blade and thus call off their manhunt. In the morgue Blade's body reverts into that of Drake's. Hannibal's voice-over tells the viewer that Blade is still alive finishing the last struggles of the war; having rejected Drake's hopes of prolonging the vampire race, Blade's war will never end.
  • Unrated ending: The body captured by the FBI is Blade, but he's not really dead. Drake's body is nowhere to be seen, hinting at his survival. At the morgue Blade sits up abruptly and attacks the FBI agents, and appears ready to bite a nurse on the neck. The ending is ambiguous as to whether Blade has retained his humanity or given in to his vampire thirst as Drake predicted. This is the ending seen on the director's cut of the film, and commentary on the DVD indicates it was the ending director Goyer intended.
  • Werewolf ending: The Daystar virus circles the globe and wipes out all vampires. Blade walks off into the sunset, his long battle finally over. The final shot is of the Nightstalkers battling a new enemy: werewolves. This version of the ending was used in the novelization of the film and is included on the DVD as an extra; though it was rejected for use in the film early on in production, due to similarities to the vampires versus werewolves in the Underworld series, the discontinuity with the back story, and for simply being too silly in Goyer's opinion


The following list of 300mb movies comes courtesy of

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