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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Joe Quesada, Marvel's Editor-In-Chief, has dropped a few interesting and exciting facts about the upcoming Daredevil TV series. We may not be able to see a Daredevil movie in the next few years, but fans can rest assured that with Marvel having gained the rights to Daredevil back from Fox, this series is going to be much better than having a new movie and one of those reasons is due to weekly episodes instead of a 90 minute movie. That's awesome and so much more fulfilling don't you agree?
Here's what Totalfilm is reporting on the upcoming Daredevil series:
Marvel Comics Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada has been discussing the new Daredevil TV series, and has compared its structure to that of a graphic novel.

"One of the advantages is really from the planning stage," explains Quesada. "Obviously it’s much easier to work with a smaller number of episodes than it is with a larger number of episodes."

"We can sit there and look at 13 episodes and plan it out as a very large movie. It makes seeing the bigger picture a little bit easier."

"It’s a different kind of construction," he continues. "The simplest way to put it in comic book terms is that it’s the difference between writing a monthly comic series as opposed to writing a graphic novel."

"You can tell the same story within the same page count in both formats, but you may parse out that information or construct your story differently because of how it’s going to be delivered and consumed."

In our experience of Netflix, that consumption will be in very large portions, at only a couple of sittings… Daredevil is expected to arrive in 2015, with a specific release date to be confirmed.
So there you go, are you excited, happy or just don't care for another superhero series airing on your TV, drop us a comment and let us know!

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