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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

You played with the dolls, you watched her movies, you watched her on TV and now Sony and Mattel are joining forces to bring you the live action event of the century! Yeah that's right, Barbie the movie may be hitting our theatres in the near future! Now who would play Barbie? Well, your guess is as good as mine though names are racing through my head. Just as a thought. wouldn't it be cool if Roland Emmerich or Darren Aronofsky were to direct then perhaps it would have my full attention.
Here the article snippet from
Sony Pictures, Mattel and Parkes+MacDonald Imagenation are teaming up to make a live-action comedy starring the iconic doll.
Production is set to begin at the end of the year on the first film, with the studio seeing this as a possible franchise.

The first film is written by Jenny Bicks and produced by Walter F. Parkes and Laurie MacDonald. Parkes/MacDonald Productions CEO Marc Resteghini will executive produce alongside Julia Pistor for Mattel’s Playground Productions.
Sources say the first movie will be a two-hander that teams Barbie with an overworked bureaucrat looking for an assistant. A contemporary buddy comedy ensues.
“We’ve always thought that the Barbie story had great potential, but a universe of possibilities opened up when Jenny, Walter and Laurie brought us their unexpected, clever and truly funny concept. It captures everything that has made Barbie a classic for generation after generation while also standing on its own, establishing Barbie as a truly original screen character. We’re confident that Barbie will delight audiences, no matter where her adventures take her," said Hannah Minghella, Columbia Pictures' president of production, in a statement.
Are you ready for a Barbie movie? My vote goes to Melissa McCarthy as Barbie with Todd Phillips doing the screenplay.... who did you have in mind?

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